The performance was conducted by Erik Ochsner, who appeared quite seasoned, perfectly syncing the live orchestra to the full movie…they didn’t miss a beat.STLMOVIES.NET, April 4, 2011 Concert Review
Under the baton of guest conductor Erik Ochsner…the symphony sounded like the finely tuned instrument it has become over the years. Even the more rhythmically tricky and aggressively “modern” parts of the score – the whole Durin/Moria sequence, for example – sounded flawless.KDHX, April 2, 2011 Concert Review
Conductor Erik Ochsner’s energy and enthusiasm was obvious and contagious. I could tell from the very beginning that he was as excited to be there as was the crowd, and the orchestra responded with an incredible energy as well…. Did I say this was a great performance?gbrettmiller’s posterous, April 2, 2011 Concert Review
Fait accompli: NYC conductor takes Tolkien around, March 31, 2011 Concert Review
...a powerful total interpretation ...he led the Symphony musicians accurately and distinctly. [in German]Leipziger Volkszeitung, May 22, 2006 Concert Review