Review: The Alabama Symphony Orchestra Brought a Spirited Performance of GHOSTBUSTERS IN CONCERT
By: David Edward Perry Nov. 01, 2019 |
The groundbreaking and hilarious paranormal comedy Ghostbusters still holds its weight as cinema gold. It’s funny, exciting, spooky and full of memorable moments and dialogue.
Ghostbusters is directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. It stars Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson and Sigourney Weaver.
Getting to see the film on a big screen is always a blast to the past. I still remember viewing it four times on its opening weekend back in 1984. Everyone at school and on TV was a buzz at how original and fun it was. The Alabama Symphony Orchestra recently dialed this viewing experience up to unchartered PKE levels of incredible proportions. Ghostbusters in Concert materialized at the Samford University Wright Center. It was a treat for the spooky Halloween season. People attending got into the spirit by wearing costumes ranging from the simple to full on nuclear accelerators. The fresh popcorn and snacks also helped keep the ghosts in check during the concert.
Conducted by Erik Ochsner, The Alabama Symphony Orchestra strapped proton packs on their instruments and brought the engaging Oscar nominated film score by legendary Elmer Bernstein (The Magnificent Seven, The Ten Commandments) to life. As the symphony played the score, the film was shown on a towering screen above them. The re-mastered sound was calibrated so the film’s dialogue and sound effects were heard. The engagement of live music is a wonderful addition to viewing a movie. Bernstein supernatural score is perfectly in tune with the films quirky tone and characters. Much like John Williams (Star Wars, Harry Potter), Bernstein’s compositions are so creative, it acts as a character. It is the fifth Ghostbuster.
Director of the film Ivan Reitman has said “I’ve always felt that his remarkable music was the magical glue that held together the film’s unique mixture of funny, mysterious, and scary.”

The music crossed the streams, making a musical walk down memory lane much more magical. Everyone was entranced as the live music faced the scary sweetness of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
If you missed out on enjoying this offering, fear not for another entertaining fusion of film with live music will be brought next year. In April 2020, The Alabama Symphony Orchestra will bring a similar concert with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. You can now pre -order tickets HERE to make sure you get a great seat and a Hogwarts costume in time for the concert.
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